About Us

  • Delivery Services
  • We come to you.
  • Concierge Service
  • We pride ourselves on our personalized care.
  • Medication Orders
  • We'll help you order hard-to-find meds.
  • Locally Owned
  • Proudly serving our New York City community.
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Danny's Pharmacy II is a locally-owned community pharmacy dedicated to providing outstanding customer service at an affordable price. We are your one-stop-shop for all your pharmacy and medical needs. At Danny's Pharmacy II, you can count on personal attention provided by our caring, professional staff. Our pharmacists deliver personalized care to all our patients, and we pride ourselves on our concierge service. Have a hard-to-find medication? Give us a call, and we'll order it for you. We go the extra mile, and that doesn't stop at prescriptions. Visit us today and experience the Danny's Pharmacy II difference!

Our Team

Yuri Abramov, PharmD, Pharmacist in Charge

  • Rochester University

Daniel Khanimov, PharmD, Owner

Long Island University

Haroula Likisakos, Pharmacist

St. John's University